The Time Machine Wiki
The Time Machine Wiki

Continuities are separate continuous series of stories in which events from one work continue directly into another. For example, The Time Machine: An Invention is considered by this wiki to be part of the same continuity as The Time Ships, as that story continues right where the original novel left off. However, many novel sequels are written by different authors, and as such, often contradict each other. These are still taken to be part of the same continuity because they continue events from the original novel. Discrepancies between stories may be attributed to separate Timelines.

Besides the continuities listed in this category, there are also a number of stories which have their own continuity which has never been continued beyond a single story. Some of these are:


Classics Illustrated sphinx

Separate Continuity!

This article or section covers a subject that is part of an original continuity, and should not be considered part of the Novel Continuity or any other.

Time Traveler 1960

Separate Continuity!

This article or section covers a subject that is part of the 1960 Film Continuity and should not be considered part of the Novel Continuity or any other.

2002 Time Traveler

Separate Continuity!

This article or section covers a subject that is part of the 2002 Film Continuity and should not be considered part of the Novel Continuity or any other.

All items (3)
