Timeline A refers to the "original" timeline, before it was altered by multiple time-traveling excursions. This timeline begins with The Time Traveler creating The Time Machine, and inviting his friends to dinner, but he never returns. Later in this timeline, Graham becomes the leader of the world in the year 2100, and meets the underground workers who would later evolve into Morlocks; and finally, by the year 802,701, the world of Mor had taken shape.
Timeline A Detail[]
- 1890s - The Time Traveler invents The Time Machine, tells his friends to meet him for dinner in one week, but never returns, to their knowledge. ("The Time Machine")
- 1903 - The Martians invade Earth, forcing Amelia Fitzgibbon and Edward Turnbull to build The Space Machine. ("The Space Machine")
- 2000s - Lara Myers steals Andrew McDonald's time machine, the Quicksilver and, after a visit to her childhood where she picks up The Squirt, before leaving to visit Mor. ("The Wee Time Traveler")
- 2100 - Graham wakes up after a centuries-long sleep, and inherits the world. He finds a utopian world above ground and a degrading form of Humanity below. ("When The Sleeper Wakes")
- 2190s - The Time Traveler arrives to find a strict society ruled by a science council of four that has outlawed Time Travel. ("The Time Machine")
- 802,701 - By this year, the world known as Mor has formed: that is, Humanity has evolved into the twin races of Eloi and Morlocks. ("The Time Machine")
- 30,000,000 - By this time, the Morlocks and Eloi had developed into vastly different creatures. The arthropods are beginning to enlarge, like the gigantic centipede-like creature.("The Grey Man")
- 1,000,000,000,000 - By this time, the Crab Monsters and the Butterfly Creatures have evolved, and the Earth has stopped rotating.
- 1,030,000,000,000 - By this time the Earth is dying, apparently The Thing is the last animal species on the planet, and one of the last life forms, along with some plants.("The Time Machine")